Audible (Audio series trailers)
Client: Audible
Production studio: IdeaMachine
Role: Director, Producer, Editor
For more than five years, I worked as the creative lead producing video trailers for a wide range of Audible audio series. Typically we’d start with an audio clip and cover art in hand and deliver a finished product within a 2-3 turnaround. Audible is a great creative partner and my team always enjoyed working on these trailers! Some highlights are shown below.
Breasts Unbound
Stan Lee’s Alliances
Sincerely, X trailer
Dr. Katz the Audio Files
Sincerely, X excerpt
Lewis Black The Rant is Due (1 of 5)
Ponzi Supernova
The Handmaid’s Tale
Kevin Hart
Alias Grace
X-Files (CSM concept_